Monday, May 4, 2009

Angel Woods

This weekend Rich had a hockey tournament in the West Island Saturday and Sunday. I took the opportunity to bring Maya and the boys to Angel Woods. Needless to say it was a blast. I really missed going there. Maya was in heaven and played with lots of dogs, and the boys really enjoyed themselves too. 
It was weird not walking as far as I used to, but no one else knew the difference but me! 
It was the first time that I couldn't wait to have my body back to myself. 
We met lots of people and dogs, and the boys were tearing up and down the paths and collected lots of sticks.

How far does this path go? They kept wanting to walk to the next marker...

We also spent some time on Saturday and Sunday at my parents, the boys didn't want to leave. They were playing Ultimate Alliance for XBOX. It's very hard to tear them away from video games! 
They are so young and incredibly good at them too. It always surprises me. 

Richard did amazing on Saturday. He won both games against a strong team. He was SO happy when we picked him up after his first game. He recounted all his great saves and said that he was standing on his head. He really enjoyed the 3 on 3 because he always had to be "on", there were always shots being taken, and he enjoyed the fast pace of it all.
All of his hard work really paid off, and he got a standing ovation the next day :-).

Needless to say it was a great weekend! We were all pooped!!!

1 comment:

  1. ah i used to love that park! it's really amazing how much room there is to take the dogs off lead! i miss that!
    not long now and you'll have a baby free body! i'm counting down the days!
    well done richard! sounds like a great weekend for everyone!
