Monday, April 2, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Madison!

Yes it's already been a year! It just flew right by.
Like Jacob, Baby M loves Elmo. She dances around every time she hears him and squeals. Actually she screams REALLY loud. Like ear piercing loud. Like instant headache loud. We're hoping she grows out of that soon.

This present must be from a boy. It's wrapped in a garbage bag.
Jacob was in charge of distributing the presents. Jacob loved his "Jacob Job" because he got to inspect everything first.

Yay! Thanks Uncle B! I can get on and off of it no problem!

 Unlike my big bro, I don't have the need for speed! (more screams)

Loving it.

Uncle A!

Uncle D planning his evening 

Can I please have my toy??? There's lots more pics just like this.

Finally something just for me! By the time the cake came around, I was ready for bed.
Thank you to everyone for coming and for all my adorable prezzies!

Hiya! So we're pretty much all settled in. We got the ship up and running in a few days, despite everyone getting really sick and having to take antibiotics. I think our excitement really pulled us out of it much faster.

Maya was pooped from everything being upside down. She's very sensitive.

Madison flourished the day that we moved in. She was up and running the very day and hasn't stopped running since. She has to keep up! We have a theory that your second walks/talks sooner than your first. She's always trying to climb, jump, and do just about everything she sees her big brother do.

She's really enjoying all the new things to explore. She's sleeping like a champ too.

The first room that we tackled (with a much needed coat of paint) was Maddie's. Her room was a bright blue (see above pic). We chose pink and couldn't resist adding a chandelier for our little princess. Jacob's room is next.

Baby M has even taken up Yoga. Nothing like a good morning stretch.

What the?

Coo coo!

Yep she loved her toilet paper bow :-)

This post was actually supposed to be all about our new move but it just turns out to be about the kids as always. Can't help it!

I would post more pics but blogger is a pain in the butt for uploading pics. They're there then they disappear...I'll try another post. If it still gives me hard time then I might throw in the blogger towel and just post pics on flicker or another similar site.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Homeward Bound

 What have we been up to lately?

Chillin' with Gamma (yep that's his name)

Travelling with Daddy

Reading lots

Splashing in the tub and splashing at swimming too...

Baking Peanut Cup pies...SO YUMMY
Happy B-day Adam

Gardening since there's no snow here... JK we're not that lucky...this one belongs to my parents...

Playing with trains

...and my favorite...McQueen!

Can you see me?

...and loving solids! I won't eat puree ever again!

....and after lots of house hunting...we're moving to our new home in Guelph! We are really excited.
Thanks for opening your home to us in the meantime Gamma. We will really miss you lots...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Settled In

Finally! We can say good-bye to our home and hello to new adventures.

 Gotta love having two Christmases! We had our first in Ontario, then at my parents in D.D.O.
We had such a good time. We also got our fill of all the yummy restaurants that we love.

There's always something to do in Burlington. We went for a nice walk along the waterfront and saw all the different lights set up for the kids. This was J's fav.

Hey! Where are the gifts Nana and Papa???

Now I'm happy!
We have to learn to pack a bit better. We had to leave some things at Nana and Papa's cos we couldn't fit everything in the trunk on the way back.

Their great grandmother (my Nanny) loves to play with J&M. J is always telling her about his toys.

M danced away to my Mom's animated Christmas toys. She never got tired of them.
She's always bouncing around when she hears music.

I have to say that I'm really enjoying our move. There's a ton of things to do with your kids here, and the mild temperatures don't hurt either! It's barely felt like winter.

We have a busy extra curricular agenda which is great. We just started swimming on Monday. We had a great time and we can jump in at any time during recreational times as well. We'll be going to gym group and a circle time/art activity as well. Not to mention my pilates. I'm looking forward to a little "me time" too.

J loves his nap time in the car.

We also had our Christmas party. Rich's work put everyone up in a hotel, then shuttled us to a restaurant for dinner and a live show. It was a lot of fun. It was nice to get out and do something different.

We are house hunting in Fergus. We love the area and can't wait to find a new home there sometime after this spring. There's not much on the market at this time of the year but we're totally happy in Burlington for the time being.

Hope you are all doing great!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Trick or Treat!

Halloween was great and even more fun now that Jacob understands what's going on! I really built it up for him. We sang pumpkins songs, did Halloween themed circle time together, and even praticed ringing the bell and saying, "Trick or treat!". All those years of working with kids are paying off. hehe

 He handed out candy to the droves of kids that came. I was really surprised that he was able to part with the candy like that. Then he was in awe about walking through our neighbourhood at night collecting candy. I loved watching him experience it. :-)

...cutest witch around!

Watching over the goods 

Hope you had a good one!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Time Flies

Hard to believe that Madison has already hit the six month mark. It has passed so quickly. She's already sitting up and pulling herself around. She started solids too.  

Jacob is a super big brother. No one can make her giggle as much as him. Although not too hard considering what a smiley girl she is.

We've been camping a lot this season. It's been one of the best summers. It's great because we don't have to pack and pin the trailer after a few days. The trailer has been here since July 1st weekend.

Rich has started his new job and loves it. The campground is close to his work or he can work from here since there's a wireless connection. So it feels like we've been on an extended holiday.

We love the campground and will probably be back next year. There's a wonderful lake that's super clean, there are horses, tons of frogs, snakes, art in the park, bingo, dances, scuba diving, a park, and the people are really friendly.  

Baby Bear

Love the weather...The trees have started to turn but people are still swimming in October!

Gobble Gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Welcome Madison

Yep it's been awhile! Granted I've been super busy. I can't keep up with a blog too! Hard to believe Madison is already two months and Jacob will be two this month!

All bets are in. Madison is a....redhead! I am sooo happy about that. Once upon a time I didn't like red hair, now I adore it! It's really beautiful and so rare. Madison's is lighter than Jacob's was as a baby.

Maddie's birth went much smoother than his. I didn't spend over twenty hours in labour this time.  It was great, I showed up, got prepped, and voila! There was my baby! Well maybe not that easy considering my mild panic attack before surgery but that's a whole other story...ask me another day! hehe
It went so well that they let us go home after only two nights. I think getting back to Jacob was my biggest motivation. I missed him so much.
He greeted his sister so well, he had us in tears. He put little toys next to her and foam letters on her head.

Daddy before surgery.

 Welcome Madison! Should I have posted this? You're lucky it wasn't the surgery! ;-)

We still can't believe how much she looks like Jacob as a baby.

Baby Buddha

The Crew

My new crew. Phew, not the only girl anymore! Can't wait for all things girlie!

Jacob enjoying the outdoors and warm weather. What doesn't he enjoy?!?
This boy has a serious joie de vivre!

He also had fun planting impatients but had way more fun watering the flowers and trying to drown worms.

Our neighbourhood has a weekend long garage sale where you don't need a permit. I was hunting down a little house for Jacob to have in the backyard. After it all ended, I found one left by the curb. I guess I'm guilty of dumpster diving. I've been looking on kijiji to see if I could get a deal but haven't seen anything. I was ready to buy one at full price. It's in perfect shape and Jacob loves it. :-)


Madison is a relatively quiet and sleepy baby. She definetely has her loud moments and she's tough to feed sometimes. Breastfeeding has been a challenge because of her sleepiness and keeping up with Jacob.

I still cannot believe that I have a girl!!! Yipppeee!
A huge thank you to everyone for your thoughtful gifts, cards and help while we were in the hospital!