Monday, April 2, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Madison!

Yes it's already been a year! It just flew right by.
Like Jacob, Baby M loves Elmo. She dances around every time she hears him and squeals. Actually she screams REALLY loud. Like ear piercing loud. Like instant headache loud. We're hoping she grows out of that soon.

This present must be from a boy. It's wrapped in a garbage bag.
Jacob was in charge of distributing the presents. Jacob loved his "Jacob Job" because he got to inspect everything first.

Yay! Thanks Uncle B! I can get on and off of it no problem!

 Unlike my big bro, I don't have the need for speed! (more screams)

Loving it.

Uncle A!

Uncle D planning his evening 

Can I please have my toy??? There's lots more pics just like this.

Finally something just for me! By the time the cake came around, I was ready for bed.
Thank you to everyone for coming and for all my adorable prezzies!

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