Monday, April 2, 2012

Hiya! So we're pretty much all settled in. We got the ship up and running in a few days, despite everyone getting really sick and having to take antibiotics. I think our excitement really pulled us out of it much faster.

Maya was pooped from everything being upside down. She's very sensitive.

Madison flourished the day that we moved in. She was up and running the very day and hasn't stopped running since. She has to keep up! We have a theory that your second walks/talks sooner than your first. She's always trying to climb, jump, and do just about everything she sees her big brother do.

She's really enjoying all the new things to explore. She's sleeping like a champ too.

The first room that we tackled (with a much needed coat of paint) was Maddie's. Her room was a bright blue (see above pic). We chose pink and couldn't resist adding a chandelier for our little princess. Jacob's room is next.

Baby M has even taken up Yoga. Nothing like a good morning stretch.

What the?

Coo coo!

Yep she loved her toilet paper bow :-)

This post was actually supposed to be all about our new move but it just turns out to be about the kids as always. Can't help it!

I would post more pics but blogger is a pain in the butt for uploading pics. They're there then they disappear...I'll try another post. If it still gives me hard time then I might throw in the blogger towel and just post pics on flicker or another similar site.

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