Monday, May 11, 2009

Damn Anemia!

Just a quick health update since health and food are always on my mind.
All is well in baby land and I'm doing great, except... yep you guessed it, my iron. 
It's a wonder I've lived this long! ;) My very low levels only went up one point after taking an extra dose of iron everyday. So after reviewing my last blood test, my doctor sent me to the hospital for an iron injection right away. So from now til I give birth, I will have to go to the hospital every week for a shot, and continue taking my two iron pills a day. How exciting!
My time at the hospital went well, I got to poke around the maternity ward (which was surprisingly quiet!), and even saw some very cute swaddled babies and one little fighter in an incubator! It brought tears to my eyes! It's coming VERY soon!

Tonight is my visit at the hospital for a tour, where the little one will make his grand entrance.  Should be exciting and put some of my fears to rest or maybe make them worse! hehe I will let you know how it went! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie and Richard,
    Glad that your hospital visit went so well...
    hope you get that private room too....
    you are lucky to have everything so new at the hoppie...that is great!
    Love you! Mom xxoo
