Monday, August 17, 2009

First Camping Trip

Peek-A-Boo! Jacob got his first camping badge this past weekend at Voyageur Park.

It was so hot that he spent a lot of time in his diaper (while in the trailer). The a/c wasn't working because we didn't have the proper power outlet at our site. We had a great fan though! It kept us nice and cool for the most part.

We had some nice walks

...and lots of drool

...played some great games. Boggle (of course) and lots of Keltis

...and ate like champs. We always do!

This was a nice spicy Vindaloo dish. If you love spicy curry then this one's for you!

Best of all, we all got to do some serious relaxing!

1 comment:

  1. ah looks like great fun! you guys make a beautiful family!:)
