What have we been up to lately?
Chillin' with Gamma (yep that's his name)
Travelling with Daddy
Reading lots
Splashing in the tub and splashing at swimming too...
Baking Peanut Cup pies...SO YUMMY
Happy B-day Adam
Gardening since there's no snow here... JK we're not that lucky...this one belongs to my parents...
Playing with trains
...and my favorite...McQueen!
Can you see me?
...and loving solids! I won't eat puree ever again!
....and after lots of house hunting...we're moving to our new home in Guelph! We are really excited.
Thanks for opening your home to us in the meantime Gamma. We will really miss you lots...
Congratulations! and great pics :) hope everything is great in your new place, it was great to see you and meet your little princess!