All is well here, the boys were with us for the past week, which was a lot of fun. We played lots of video games and went swimming. Rich will be posting about it soon.
I had a little health scare but it all turned out in the end. I got a little stressed out on Friday while in the shower because the dogs were insanely barking. When they start barking, they egg each other on, then Lexi ends up getting mad and freaking out at Maya because Maya jumped on her out of excitement. So it makes for a very loud spectacle sometimes. They were barking because someone was continuously ringing the doorbell (we get so many solicitors here, it drives me bonkers).
Anywho, I got out of the shower to calm the dogs down...After that, I started getting stomach pains, which continued on and off until Sunday. Saturday night was particularly bad, I ended up calling Info Sante to speak to a nurse. (Info Sante is amazing by the way)
In the meantime, I looked it up in my pregnancy bible...I figured I was experiencing contractions...Turns out I'm right around the time that I'll be feeling Braxton Hicks Contractions. This usually occurs during your last trimester. It's your uterus preparing itself for the big day. So I started timing them...there was never really a pattern to them.
The nurse confirmed that it was most likely that, and to take note of other symptoms, which would indicate that I was going into labour.
Thankfully I was able to go into work the next day, and I made it through with little to no pain.
I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow, so I'll be able to ask her lots of questions.
I thank the stars that I've been doing so well. This little scare really made it hit home for me!

glad to hear you and baby are okay! that would be scary! where are you working these days?