I hope everyone had a great V-Day! Rich and I spent our evening snuggled up on the couch after and awesome BBQ supper, of jerk chicken and spicy veggies. Yep a BBQ! The weather was mild enough to have one, I shoveled the ice and snow off of the deck a few days ago, while I was on poop detail.
We rented a few movies after we did groceries, and managed to watch one (Crash) before falling asleep. It was great!
I spent the last two days in the West Island at my parents. I went to visit Amy on Thurs evening. It was nice to see her after such a long time. She's still teaching and loving and hating it at once. The typical teacher experience!
I picked her up, and we headed to Panier to poke around with my Christmas gift certificate in hand. I wanted to see if there were any new spices that Rich would like, since the store has such a great variety. I found one from "Dave's Gourmet" www.davesgourmet.com . We really like all of the products from that line of spice, and haven't gone wrong yet. I found him one called Scotch Bonnet, which is supposed to be pretty hot. We'll see...He's got a much higher tolerance for spice than I do. I also picked up two really cute scented candles, from Yankee of course! :)
We went out for a drink (Perrier for me of course!) and caught up some more.
I headed back to my parents who were watching Maya, and had a late supper with Mom, then headed to bed.
I spent Friday with my brother and then decided to spend another night because I didn't want to drive all the way back in the dark etc...So Mom spoiled us again with Pizza and took me to see Coraline. I loved it! It was in 3D. I've been looking forward to seeing it for awhile.
It was a whopping $30.00 to see because you had to pay for the glasses as well.
It was well worth it. I won't ruin it for those who want see it but the animation was stunning, and the music was enough to put you to sleep (in a good way). As usual I did fall asleep for about 20 mins! It's almost impossible for me to stay awake in a theater. It's too relaxing! Last time I fell asleep, it was between Richard's brothers, Dan and Adam, on Boxing Day. I was later informed by them that I was even snoring. That wasn't embarrassing AT ALL!
The following morning, I made the family a Valentine breakfast. It was fun to make a regular breakfast and to use the nice dishes :) Hearts on the table, and strawberries in little champagne glasses! It really dressed it up.
Thanks again to Mom for really spoiling me! Thank you so much!
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