Sunday, March 22, 2009

More Health Updates!

Remember the Braxton Hicks I was telling you about? Well, luckily I wrote all the times down because my doctor was none too impressed. She said that they were too close together and that they lasted too long. I am not on bed rest but only a few steps away. She warned that I might be in and out of the hospital, and to make sure that my overnight bag was packed. She told me to slow down, no standing for long periods of time, or lifting (of course), and to take lots of baths and frequent rests on my left side. My iron levels had dropped to a very low level as well. So now I'm eating iron enriched baby food (since I don't eat red meat) and am taking a double dose of iron pills. Hopefully that'll take care of it. She assured me that most women who experience what I'm going through rarely give birth preterm. That made me feel a bit better. So as you can imagine, I went home feeling a little under the weather. It's not terrible news but it was enough to scare me.  

For the next few days I really took it easy. I took lots of baths and read a lot in bed. Since taking it more slowly, I've been having little to no pain, and haven't experienced any contractions in quite a few days now. :) I'm actually enjoying the baby cereal too! hehe

I go to the dog park with Maya, and walk around there with her, and still do all the regular things like cooking and cleaning but I ask Rich to help me carry things up and down the stairs. Unfortunately I couldn't do the Aqua Fitness Class that I wanted though :(

So I'm feeling much better about things now! Since I've slowed down, I think I'm moving into the nesting stage!  I've picked up a lot of things and have really started focusing on the baby's 
room. Rich prepped to paint today too. I will take pics of the progress. We have our furniture and bedding which is very exciting! I've found most of my things at Babies R Us, they have the cutest things there. 

We had a nice BBQ here for my Mom's b-day on the 14th, since the weather is so mild now. We also celebrated her close friend's Joyce (my mom #2!) birthday too. It was nice to see my Nanny too, who is in great shape for someone in her 80's! She still bowls and plays tennis, and plays a mean game of cards with her church friends! :-) She says she could leave all the church gossip though. hehe I've barely noticed her age over the years, she's quite something...Bill came too, him and Rich played some video games...

Birthday girl!

Birthday girl #2!


This weekend I stayed overnight at my parents on Friday because I had lunch with a friend, and had things to take care of in the West Island. Saturday was great, tons of shopping and food! 
I had an awesome time! Then it was back to the South Shore with the boys! I won't get in to all the details but it was very busy! I was pooped!

Today was more laid back, lots of bubbles with the boys, and the usual order of video games and cuddles with daddio on the couch...

Maya is so curious and such a good sport! The boys had fun squirting her. She slipped and fell right into the tub later which made them laugh hysterically (only her front paws but she loved it too, she's happy in the water)! It made for a fun morning! 

Joshy taking a break.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Spring Break Part II


Well, this past week was one of the most memorable weeks that we've had in a while! I picked-up the boys on Friday February 27th and they stayed with us until Sunday March 5th. We had a great time watching hockey, playing video games, cuddling, laughing and:

On Sunday; March 1st, we decided to head over to the public pool for a couple of hours of free swim. The place was packed!!!!! The boys didn't 
care though, they spent the whole time playing in the water with us. The kids especially loved the water slide! I stood at the end while they slid down. The kids loved really loved it! We ended up having to pull Katherine away from the slide kicking and screaming! She just really wanted to keep on going. The boys explained that the slide would be there the next time we came and that seemed to calm her. :-)

Here you can see Zach on the left, Katherine in the middle and Josh on the right.

On Tuesday, I had to head out to Gatineau to bring my guys some material, it took me until 2 pm in the afternoon just to get my material together before heading out to site. We only ended up arriving on site at 5:30 and by that time the boys had been in the truck since 8 am (minus 1 hour at McDonalds). We decided it best to crash at a hotel for the evening. Spending another 2.5 to 3 hours in the truck might have been fatal! Zach and Josh spent most of the time jumping from bed to bed. We ordered pizza, gave them a bath and then they went to bed. Not long after, I fell asleep too! They were both spectacular in the truck all day. Thank you Nintendo DS!

On Sunday I decided a nice picture of each of them being calm and themselves!

Here you will see that just as I was taking the picture, Zach noticed that he still had some candy on the left side of his mouth.

While the boys were here, we finished painting the basement. Katherine chose wonderful colors!! We always do our best to make the boys laugh. On the back wall we painted: Zach and Josh love Barbies.... For those who remember, we gave them Barbies at Christmas so, it's a bit of a sensitive issue (hahaha). Don't worry, we painted over it. Only the Katherine, myself, the boys and anyone who reads this blog will know that ZACH AND JOSH LOVE BARBIES!!!

I dropped the boys off yesterday at 6 pm... I cried all the way home. It was a difficult ending to a great week.

Spring Break

Just a quick update...
All is well here, the boys were with us for the past week, which was a lot of fun. We played lots of video games and went swimming. Rich will be posting about it soon.

I had a little health scare but it all turned out in the end. I got a little stressed out on Friday while in the shower because the dogs were insanely barking. When they start barking, they egg each other on, then Lexi ends up getting mad and freaking out at Maya because Maya jumped on her out of excitement. So it makes for a very loud spectacle sometimes. They were barking because someone was continuously ringing the doorbell (we get so many solicitors here, it drives me bonkers). 

Anywho, I got out of the shower to calm the dogs down...After that, I started getting stomach pains, which continued on and off until Sunday. Saturday night was particularly bad, I ended up calling Info Sante to speak to a nurse. (Info Sante is amazing by the way)
In the meantime, I looked it up in my pregnancy bible...I figured I was experiencing contractions...Turns out I'm right around the time that I'll be feeling Braxton Hicks Contractions. This usually occurs during your last trimester. It's your uterus preparing itself for the big day. So I started timing them...there was never really a pattern to them.

The nurse confirmed that it was most likely that, and to take note of other symptoms, which would indicate that I was going into labour. 
Thankfully I was able to go into work the next day, and I made it through with little to no pain.

I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow, so I'll be able to ask her lots of questions.

I thank the stars that I've been doing so well. This little scare really made it hit home for me!