Sunday, March 27, 2011

Super Speedy Update

All is well. I'm home now, it feels great but I'm adjusting to a calmer paced routine...for now.
My surgeon moved my due date ahead to March 31 instead of April 9. The baby weighs about 8.5lbs already! That explains all the back aches! How do people with potbellies do it?
Wish me luck I can't wait to meet her. Rich asked the Dr. to confirm that it was a girl. I had my doubts too because I was getting so big! it reminded me a lot of Jacob. She said that it happened twice last year that they were wrong! Anyway, it's for sure a girl!!! Only four more sleeps till we meet!!!
We're taking bets on hair colour. Red or brown? I say brown!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I must say baby Jacob has such a love for animals. This is a little turtle figurine that my parents kept from when I lived at home. Jacob loves it and decided to feed it some cheese.
He is so sweet to animals big and small!