Saturday, January 30, 2010

...and so it begins...

Does he look sick to you? Well, despite his smile, he has an ear infection. :-(

Gotta love daycare and it's germs!
Last weekend we all had colds, and Josh and Rich were vomiting. Everyone but me had fevers.

Jacob is getting better but has almost no appetite.
How do I get him drink? I even went and picked up some Pedialyte but he wasn't too interested in that either. Luckily he ate some solids tonight. I keep offering him milk but he doesn't drink more than .5 ounce at a time.

Everything else is going well, very busy at work learning a ton of new things, and getting used to the office politics. People have gigantic personalities there, there was even a yelling match over a file but aside from that everyone seems nice.

Hope you all are doing well!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Hats

Lots of new things going on.
I started working part time at a clothing store Thurs and Friday night and weekends, until I went back to work full time. It's super easy and I get to talk to people all day.

Looking for work is really a full time job! Not much hiring going on around the holidays but I went for a second interview last week and got the job. So now I'm putting on my counting hat and working in Accounting. So far so good! I've done two half days because I wanted to ease Jacob into daycare.

More importantly, Jacob has had some major changes!
He cut his first tooth and the second one is following quickly, and his first two half days at daycare were awesome! What a relief :-)

I'm happy that I know most of the educators because I worked there while in school. I can't believe I got a spot so quickly, usually the waiting list is a few years.
I'm so proud of him. They love him there and can't get over how happy, and easy going he is.

I've stopped nursing him to sleep so that its not torture for him or the educators to put him down for a nap. He falls asleep easily and has adjusted well so far. Rich has helped a lot with that too. There were many tempting moments when we wanted to get him out of his crib. He only cried for a max of 20 minutes. He's a dream baby!

I'll keep you posted!