We arrived at Honore Mercier at 7 a.m., where I started a very long labor, only to have an emergency cesarean the next day. Needless to say, it wasn't very fun but it sure had an awesome ending! It's not like in the movies my friends! Well maybe the c-section part was...
Jacob was born Friday June 12, at 4:52 a.m.
Hearing his voice for the first time was incredible, and then seeing him right after was such a relief! I couldn't believe he had been inside me. He looked gigantic! 9 lbs. 2 oz. I passed out almost as soon as I kissed him hello. I was done!
Recovery for me was very hard and very sore but there were some really supportive nurses. Rich was a trooper too. I wouldn't have been able to take care of Jacob without him there!!! xox
Jacob has been a dream from the start. He really reminds me of me ;)
Actually he makes so many funny faces that look exactly like Rich. No joke!
We kept visitors to a minimum because I was in pretty bad shape but we had lots once we got home. My Mom and Dad were HUGE helps along the way.
Nana Sue came from across the pond for a special visit. She was a huge help and it was nice to see her again.
Since Nana Sue's been a Mom four times over, she definitely knows her stuff! She also said that a lot has changed over the years in the care of babies...She showed me some nice bath time tricks...I LOVE bathing Jacob and massaging him after, he loves it too!
Felt like we were greasing up a chicken!
All bundled up!
More stories and pics to come!!! I LOVE being a MOM!